Most email messages sent around the globe these days are spam, in other words – undesirable messages with various offers or with links to malware. Not only are such email messages irritating, but they also pose a risk to your computer, not to mention that you may be duped. This is why, numerous email providers resort to spam filters, which are software apps that ‘scan’ all incoming email messages and filter out the unwanted ones on the basis of their content – what words or phrases an email includes and how often they’re referred to, what site a given hyperlink leads to, what outbound SMTP mail server the message is sent from, and so on. Some web hosts also rely on the databases of spam-monitoring organizations devoted to the provision of the most up-to-the-minute info about unwanted emails, to make certain that their customers won’t receive any email in their inbox that shouldn’t be there.

Spam Filters in Cloud Hosting

Our cloud hosting servers rely on one of the best anti-spam filters out there. It’s called SpamAssassin and is offered with every cloud hosting plan, so if you host your domains with us, you can select one of the five safety levels that the filter offers for any mailbox that you’ve got here. You can do this with only two clicks of the mouse from the Email Manager section of the Hepsia Control Panel that is used to manage all shared hosting accounts. SpamAssassin examines the header section and the content of every email, gives it a spam score and then proceeds in accordance with the level that you’ve selected. Every email account can have a different setting and you can choose if the emails that the filter reports as spam should be erased or redirected to another email account where you can review them later, so as to prevent erasing an authentic email message. Switching to a different level or disabling the anti-spam protection is also remarkably easy.

Spam Filters in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you get a semi-dedicated server package from our company and if you create one or more mailboxes with any of the domain names hosted in your account, you’ll be able to enable the advanced, 5-level SpamAssassin email filter that we provide and keep all unwelcome emails away from your mailbox. This functionality is accessible through the Hepsia hosting Control Panel’s Email Manager section and it can be enabled or disabled for any email account at any time. You can also change the level of security with a couple of clicks if junk emails still enter your inbox or the email filter begins deleting genuine messages. Since you can select if the spam should be deleted right away or re-sent to some other mailbox, you can create, for instance, and view all filtered emails there, so as to make certain that you will not miss an email message that you need. The messages that the filter permits to proceed will still be delivered to your inbox.